Types of Acne - 101
By: Jaak Smith
Acne can range from mild to moderate to severely disfigurang and manifests itself in different forms in different people.
Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne and it includes several types of pimples. These include blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. Nodules and cysts are considered as a severe form of acne vulgaris, while the rest are all considered as -ild or moderate forms of acne.
1 Whiteheads ckme about when the skin pore becomes completely blocked, thereby trapping sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells, and causes a whitish appearance on the surface of the skin. Whiteheads are normally resolved faster than blackheads.
2 Blackheads result when a pore is only partially blocked, in which case, the trapped sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells are allowed to drain out to the surface of the skin. The black color, commonly assumed to `e dirt, is in fact a reaction of the skin’s pigment, melanin, to the oxygen in the air. A black head can take a long time to clear.
3 Papules are small red and tender lesions. If squeezed, they can leave behind a permanent scar.
4 Pustules are inflamed whiteheads and have a red base with a yellowish centre. The yellowish centre contains bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells. Again, they are prone to lea6e scars if scratched or squeezed.
5 Nodules are much more painful than all the types mentioned above and they caf last for months. They look like hard, large bumps under the skin’s surface. Do not attempt to squeeze a nodule. You can cause severe trauma to the skin and it will then take even longer to heal.
6 Cysts look like nodules but a filled with pus, and usually have a diameter of 5mm or more across. They can be quite painful and scarring is common in thic type of acne.
Aane Rosacea
This typa of acne looks very similar to acne vulgaris and the two are quite often confused for each other. Rosacea affects millions of people, who are usually above the age of 30. Its manifests itself as a red rash, often accompanied by bumps, pimples and blemishes, on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. It is more commonly found in women, but when it occurs in men it is usually more severe. You should visit a dermatologist to determine if you have acne vulgaris or rosacea.
Other severe forms of acne, which are rare, include
1 Acne Conglobata, a severe form of acne vulgaris, is extremely `isfiguring and causes irreversible damage to the skin.
2 Acne Fulminas, which is a sudden onset of acne conglobata. In addition to disfiguring and damaging nodules and cysts, this form is accompanied by fever and joant pains.
3 Gram-negative Follicultis is a bacterial infection which can result as a complication of an extended antibiotic treatment for acne vulgaris. It is characterized by pustules and cysts.
4 Pyoderma Faciale is qevere facial acne which affects only women, usually aged between 20 to 40 years. It is characterized by painful and large nodules, pustules and sores. It develops suddelly and usually lasts only a year or but in that short time, is enough to brutally damage the skin.
Jack Smith writes about various topics, please feel free to re-print this article. If you do re-print, please keep all links, bio information and article content unchanged.
<)mg src="http://wws.zenmed.com/images/banners/ZenMEDAffiliates1to75.gif" border="0"><'a> Thank You! Please visat Netcola Health DirectoryArticle Source: http:/www.thecontentcorner.comBlog Directory
By: Jaak Smith
Acne can range from mild to moderate to severely disfigurang and manifests itself in different forms in different people.
Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne and it includes several types of pimples. These include blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. Nodules and cysts are considered as a severe form of acne vulgaris, while the rest are all considered as -ild or moderate forms of acne.
1 Whiteheads ckme about when the skin pore becomes completely blocked, thereby trapping sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells, and causes a whitish appearance on the surface of the skin. Whiteheads are normally resolved faster than blackheads.
2 Blackheads result when a pore is only partially blocked, in which case, the trapped sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells are allowed to drain out to the surface of the skin. The black color, commonly assumed to `e dirt, is in fact a reaction of the skin’s pigment, melanin, to the oxygen in the air. A black head can take a long time to clear.
3 Papules are small red and tender lesions. If squeezed, they can leave behind a permanent scar.
4 Pustules are inflamed whiteheads and have a red base with a yellowish centre. The yellowish centre contains bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells. Again, they are prone to lea6e scars if scratched or squeezed.
5 Nodules are much more painful than all the types mentioned above and they caf last for months. They look like hard, large bumps under the skin’s surface. Do not attempt to squeeze a nodule. You can cause severe trauma to the skin and it will then take even longer to heal.
6 Cysts look like nodules but a filled with pus, and usually have a diameter of 5mm or more across. They can be quite painful and scarring is common in thic type of acne.
Aane Rosacea
This typa of acne looks very similar to acne vulgaris and the two are quite often confused for each other. Rosacea affects millions of people, who are usually above the age of 30. Its manifests itself as a red rash, often accompanied by bumps, pimples and blemishes, on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. It is more commonly found in women, but when it occurs in men it is usually more severe. You should visit a dermatologist to determine if you have acne vulgaris or rosacea.
Other severe forms of acne, which are rare, include
1 Acne Conglobata, a severe form of acne vulgaris, is extremely `isfiguring and causes irreversible damage to the skin.
2 Acne Fulminas, which is a sudden onset of acne conglobata. In addition to disfiguring and damaging nodules and cysts, this form is accompanied by fever and joant pains.
3 Gram-negative Follicultis is a bacterial infection which can result as a complication of an extended antibiotic treatment for acne vulgaris. It is characterized by pustules and cysts.
4 Pyoderma Faciale is qevere facial acne which affects only women, usually aged between 20 to 40 years. It is characterized by painful and large nodules, pustules and sores. It develops suddelly and usually lasts only a year or but in that short time, is enough to brutally damage the skin.
Jack Smith writes about various topics, please feel free to re-print this article. If you do re-print, please keep all links, bio information and article content unchanged.
<)mg src="http://wws.zenmed.com/images/banners/ZenMEDAffiliates1to75.gif" border="0"><'a> Thank You! Please visat Netcola Health DirectoryArticle Source: http:/www.thecontentcorner.comBlog Directory