Friday, June 23, 2006

Teen Acne

Teen Acne

By John Furnem

Acne is one of the major problems teenagers face, it is something that, in some conditions, may have a devastating effect on their social life, self esteem and mental health. The acne condition can range from mild to severe, and in some cases is very difficult to treat and decrease. In addition to acne being a skin condition that is, to say the least, unpleasant, it also have social and emotional effect. This effect carries with it a multitude of psychological issues that change teens lives in different ways.
When thinking back I remember my acne problem and very clearly remember that my friends and peers were not much of a help to me at those times. Society seems to react to this skin condition in the worst possible way, when the spirit of the teenager is at its most delicate phase. This is a prime reason to why many teens try and avoid social events, situation where they might be in danger of embracement over a skin condition on which they seemingly have no control.
One big problem is that some people do not understand the acne problem for the mere reason that they never suffered from it, obviously this creates a terrible situation where the teen is not only ridiculed for the acne he suffers from, he gets this from others that very clearly do not have the problem. In more recent years, however, the problems faced by those who suffer from acne are being more widely addressed, and the social and psychological effects being studied more closely.

Some will say that the problem is our society and the norms it sets, the definition of beauty or of health in certain ages and in certain cultures. In a society where so much importance is placed on appearance and complying to the "norm", higher standards have been set concerning what people do and don't accept. In the defining phase of his life, the teenager is extremely exposed to these social agreements and this creates problems with the understanding of the limits to improvement and the shame that follows lack of improvement. For teens this very important and sometimes even seem crucial. Many teenagers slowly get used to what other teenagers say about them and within a short period of time become very critical of their appearance and social possibilities, it is of course ridicules that a young man will judge himself for having a skin condition but this actually happens and even more, some teens begin to develop inner hate towards themselves – because of this social pressure.
The best solution for explaining and combating acne and its social implications, it is recommended that a parent or a guide of some sort will explain to the teen that acne is caused by many different things, many factors contribute to the development of acne. In teens it is believed that hormones are the primary reason, hormones cause the body to produce excess oil, which in turn clogs pores and causes pimples. This kind of situation can be solved by regular acne treatment. The parent should also explain that eating certain foods and the way you clean your face also has little to do with the development of acne, reassuring the teen at this point is very important as he is very likely to be bombarded with exaggerated acne urban tales that create a feeling like everything the teen is doing is the cause of the acne, as if it was a curse he couldn’t shake.
John Furnem specializes in work psychology and Stress disorders, he has written articles and held workshops/seminars on the effect of stress on children and adults . John writes Teen Acne articles for at
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Honey Cures Acne

Honey Cures Acne

I have just discovered that honey is a treatment for acne and spots.
You can find out for yourself by trying it at home.
Use wild honey where available for this treatment.

However, where you do not have wild honey, you can make do with refined honey.
They should produce the same effects.

Wash your face with warm water and apply the honey to the affected parts and repeat twice a day.
Within 3 days, the effects will be visible for all to see.

When this works for you, come back here for your testimony.


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