Teenage Acne
ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
Teenage Acne : Helping to Cope with Skin Acne
by Jen Carter
Teenagers with acne may feel besieged by the sudden changes in their appearance. Puberty and acne have been known to go hand in hand. As if it is not already hard enough for your child to see changes in their body, now they’ve been overwhelmed with acne! Unfortunately, teenage acne can severely damage your teenager’s self-esteem.
Male teenagers may feel insecure about their appearance, causing them to withdraw from social activities with the opposite sex. Females, on the other hand may hide behind make-up products such as foundation or concealer. These methods of coverage usually aggravate acne and cause further blemishes.
Factors which contribute to teen acne
While acne is generalized as a part of growing up, there are many factors which contribute to teen acne. For instance, a diet which consists of soda, junk food, and greasy foods will invite acne. By all means, your teenager should have fun and snack every now and then. But over-indulgence of such treats is the primary cause of severe acne in teenagers.
Your teenage daughter may have a very hard time dealing with acne. After all, this is a generation that’s flooded in advertisements that define beauty. Very rarely do you see a teenage model, actress, or singer that shows obvious signs of facial acne. Nevertheless, these famous teenagers are not flawless by any means. With the right amount of lighting and airbrushing, anyone can appear flawless! It’s essential that you remind your teenager of this.

It’s important to inform teenagers that they are still attractive and look wonderful the way they are. By all means, boost the esteem! Never pick at your teenager’s appearance, as it will only hurt their self-esteem. If a teenager feels ridiculed and ashamed, they will lash out--or worse withdraw from friends and family. This can lead to depression, which may or may not be temporary.
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Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!
Teenage Acne : Helping to Cope with Skin Acne
by Jen Carter

Teenagers with acne may feel besieged by the sudden changes in their appearance. Puberty and acne have been known to go hand in hand. As if it is not already hard enough for your child to see changes in their body, now they’ve been overwhelmed with acne! Unfortunately, teenage acne can severely damage your teenager’s self-esteem.
Male teenagers may feel insecure about their appearance, causing them to withdraw from social activities with the opposite sex. Females, on the other hand may hide behind make-up products such as foundation or concealer. These methods of coverage usually aggravate acne and cause further blemishes.
Factors which contribute to teen acne
While acne is generalized as a part of growing up, there are many factors which contribute to teen acne. For instance, a diet which consists of soda, junk food, and greasy foods will invite acne. By all means, your teenager should have fun and snack every now and then. But over-indulgence of such treats is the primary cause of severe acne in teenagers.
Your teenage daughter may have a very hard time dealing with acne. After all, this is a generation that’s flooded in advertisements that define beauty. Very rarely do you see a teenage model, actress, or singer that shows obvious signs of facial acne. Nevertheless, these famous teenagers are not flawless by any means. With the right amount of lighting and airbrushing, anyone can appear flawless! It’s essential that you remind your teenager of this.

It’s important to inform teenagers that they are still attractive and look wonderful the way they are. By all means, boost the esteem! Never pick at your teenager’s appearance, as it will only hurt their self-esteem. If a teenager feels ridiculed and ashamed, they will lash out--or worse withdraw from friends and family. This can lead to depression, which may or may not be temporary.
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