Saturday, October 06, 2007

Beating Acne

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
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Beating Acne, Your Best Tips For Acne Skin Care
by: Winfred Jennings

Acne is a circumstance that affects the skin and oil glands. It causes blackheads, cysts, and scaring if not treated. Face acne can frustrate your visual aspect to a great extent and body acne can actually ruin your day by making you very uncomfortable. If you consider acne as a treatable problem, some people are inclined to altogether cast aside the topic of �Acne skin care�. Notwithstanding, Acne treatment products and skin care is of extreme importance if you desire to subdue this problem.

Acne skin care is - following daily skin care routines with complete discipline. So let�s have a look at how �acne skin care� can be applied to your daily routine. Acne treatment and skin care should really start much before the acne actually appears. �Acne skin care� is more about being proactive than reactive. Acne skin care is about being cognizant of preventive measures.

If you are living in a warm and/or humid place, a nighttime shower becomes a must. As a matter of fact, a shower is advocated after any natural process that causes high degrees of perspiration to arise. It�s a very efficient �acne skin care� technique. �Acne skin care� begins with the most primary thing - cleanliness. So daybreak showers are the most basic means of keeping the skin clean. In fact, a lot of people choose night showers too (that not only assists in keeping your skin clean but also allows for relaxation to your body and enables a good sleep).

In the like sense, �acne skin care� also preaches regular cleaning of your make-up brush and any equipment that you use on your body. However, acne skin care is not about just showers. Acne skin care is also about wearing clean clothes and sleeping on clean pillows. Moreover, too tight clothes can cause sweat to accumulate quickly; so soft and comfortable cotton clothes are recommended, especially if you already have acne.

Cleansing agents are the gentlest and the most effective way of removing dirt, grease, pollutants and surplus oil from your skin; thus reducing the chance of acne happenings. The best acne skin care urges removing your make up using a make up remover, and this should happen before you go to bed (not in the morning). Besides that, you had better also use a mild, water-soluble, oil-free and soap-free cleansing agent for keeping your face, neck and arms clean. Cleansing is the most important part of any acne skin care routine.

There are respective acne skin care emollients and lotions available nonprescription (a great deal of these acne skin care products are in reality cleansing agents). Even so, if these �acne skin care� steps do not bring about the sought after results, contact a skin doctor for �acne skin care� advice and discourse. If you already have acne, do not try to touch them or squeeze them; it can lead to permanent scars. �Acne skin care� advocates soft cleansing and cleaning of the involved region using an over-the-counter medicine and a clean/soft cotton pad.

About The Author
Winfred is the webmaster of Problems With Acne? Find The Best Acne Treatment, and health products now. Your Best Natural Products Can Be Found (at)

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Toothpaste Help Get Rid of Acne

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Does Toothpaste Help Get Rid of Acne?
by: Naweko Nicole Dial

Home remedies for acne come in all flavors of strange. There's the egg yolk mask, handyman soap scrub, lidocaine rub and even a urine toner. And like any trial therapy, homemade treatments may work sheerly because of the placebo effect. But, does toothpaste posses any properties that support its usage as an acne treatment?

The first place to begin answering this question is to consider the ingredients in common toothpastes and what effect they have on the skin.


In almost any tube of toothpaste you'll find sodium monoflurorophosphate, or simply put, some chemical variety of fluoride. Fluoride prevents tooth cavities. But in the skin, fluoride typically causes more damage that it corrects. For example, medicals studies have reported that large does of fluoride could cause systemic poisoning. Though the amount of fluoride in tooth paste is less than one percent you may not want predispose yourself to risk.

If toothpaste does help acne prone skin, it's most likely not due to the fluoride because this chemical can irritate or burn the skin and sometimes provoke skin allergies.

Glycerin, sorbitol and alumina:

Skimming down the list of toothpaste ingredients, we arrive at agents with the potential to delete zits like hydrated silica, sorbitol, alumina and glycerin. Silica and types of aluminum are used to treat acne via dermabrasive products. However, in the toothpaste, they are too fine to profoundly exfoliate the skin. Sorbitol is a flavoring agent while glycerin makes the toothpaste feel good in your mouth.

Moving on, we come to sodium lauryl sulfate, or the toothpaste bubble maker. You don't need suds to get rid of zits. Next!

Getting rid of calcium:

Now we encounter sodium pyrophosphate, or some relative of this chemical resting in our toothpaste. Sodium pyrophosphate limits tartar deposits on the teeth by removing calcium and magnesium from saliva. It is with this calcium evicting phosphate that we may find a potential acne curative.

Skin levels of calcium directly influence skin cell growth and differentiation. One of the traits of acne includes improper shedding of the skin or improper skin cell separation. And according to research done by Chia-Ling L. Tu and colleagues, too much calcium in the epidermis skin causes more hair follicles to grow, makes the skin more susceptible to outside attacks and increases cell growth.

None of these activities help contain acne so taking away a little calcium from acne prone skin may eliminate a cluster of zits. So we allot a point to pyrophosphate as a possible acne taming agent.

Try these ingredients in a better product and they will help with acne:

Rounding out the toothpaste ingredients are minimal amounts of titanium dioxide and or baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). As far as the skin is concerned, these two agents are wonderful exfoliators, yet in some toothpastes, their presence may prove too small to positively affect the skin.

These guys may also absorb excess facial oils which will definitely help bumpy skin heal faster. As predominant skin care ingredients, titanium dioxide and baking soda sever as wonderful dermbrasion agents, so you may want to try them in this form.

In short. proving whether or not your toothpaste will get rid of acne would require some costly research and you would still have to face the ominous doubt cast by the placebo effect. Toothpaste does contain agents with the potential to control acne like pyrophosphates that improve skin cell shedding, and skin exfoliators like titanium dioxide and baking soda.

The only problem is, toothpaste is formulated to treat and prevent cavities, not pimples. You really can't fully benefit from toothpaste's zit fighting agents because they are not concentrated enough. Instead, use acne products that contain right proportions of bump fighting ingredients, whether you buy them at the drug store or make them at home.


Tu, Chia-Ling L; Oda, Y; Komuves, L & Bikle D. The role of the calcium-sensing receptor in epidermal dierentiation. University of California Postprints; 2004; vol 35, no3, pp 265-273.

About The Author
Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz created the acne trigger approach to naturally controlling moderate to cystic acne in her internationally published work, "Acne Messages". San-Joyz continues to serve the acne community by developing customized acne scar dermabrasion treatments for the face and body. If you want free tips for getting rid of acne scarring, visit .

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Treating Acne Breakouts

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Prevent Acne Scars By Effectively Treating Acne Breakouts

Fashion & Cosmetics

Healing acne scars is as elementary as effectively focusing on acne issues before they can evolve into brown acne lesions. There is demand in today's world to have flawless skin that is free of damage. Removing the redness from acne and getting rid of scars has become a lot simpler in the past couple months with the unveiling of an all natural skin care product.
It is easier on your mental state if you address your problems before they start and avoid the misery. There is a certain onus associated with breakouts and the subsequent scars. People make disparaging comments about acne outbreaks, making people even more uncomfortable. Acne scars play a significant role in making people feel less glamorous and for many people acne inflammation is a reminder of all the adversities that come with puberty. An effective acne scar cream is often an imperative step for people to help recapture their confidence after years of fighting skin issues.

There are countless acne scar products available that do not live up to their promises. Make up and many over the counter creams do not eliminate scars. Laser treatments and plastic surgery are extreme methods that are not always helpful. The only way to ensure successful acne scar removal is to work with your own skin cells and biologically renew injured sites so the scarring disappears. You can now mend scarring at home.

Acne Scars Brown Spots

Using make up to veil acne scars is the first instinct of many people. This is usually the simplest way to 'treat' acne scars but in reality it does not help your skin repair scars at all. You are only delaying the inevitable. Make up can become an addiction and a crutch mentally. People feel bare and anxious if they go out of the house with their scars exposed. If you are saddled with pitted acne scars, exfoliating or using concealers will not help you fill in the holes.

Over the counter acne scar creams can sometimes use bleach and/or hydroquinone to remove acne brown marks. Hydroquinone is a powerful chemical compound that reduces the develop of melanin in the skin. Melanin is the pigment in skin that gives it a brown color in acne scars and skin damage. Hydroquinone is banned in certain countries because of concerns of a cancer risk. Does this seem like a risk you are willing to take to repair acne scars?

Lasers and plastic surgery regularly come right out of pocket due to the fact acne scars are considered an elective procedure. Not only are these procedures expensive, they do not help trigger new collagen and elastin fibers in the injury site. People need a product that clears scars and triggers skin renewal at the same time. Due to the discovery of a all natural skin care ingredient, you can fill in sunken acne scars or remove brown raised bumps on your forehead from the comfort of your own home.

Acne Snail Cream

There is a complete and balanced acne scars and acne breakouts cream that renews your skin from within by stimulating your own skin cells to do the work. It simultaneaously removes acne scars while also preventing future acne inflammation. The unique acne scars ingredient is produced inside the cells of a common land snail and is completely compatible with human skin.

When applied topically to the skin on a regular basis, the renewal element will fuse with your own skin cells and:

* rejuvenate healthy cells in place of flawed cells by stimulating the natural renewal processes.

* copper peptides energize skin renewal. Fibroblasts are developed and proliferate. These skin building fibers emit growth factors which help in the development of skin cell division. This returns the healthy glow and brilliance to damaged skin using new collagen and elastin ingredients.

* control acne zits by promoting the proliferation of natural antimicrobial peptides in your own skin. Bacteria free skin is far less likely to develop acne breakouts.

* biological enzymes eat away pore plugs. If natural oils can flow normally and bathe the skin, there is a lower chance of acne breakouts and subsequent scarring.

* enzymes manage the inflammatory response of the body. Severe responses send too many cells and end up blocking the pore even more, causing healthy cell death and acne scars. Managing the response lowers the odds of acne cysts and future acne scarring.

This skin care product can help you abate acne scarring and prevent inflammation at the same time. We would love to have you go to our webpage and see how you can remove all different types of scars with our all natural scar removal balm. While you are on our site, you can learn about how the same unique ingredient can help with the treatment of rosacea, stretch marks, and even the cumulative effects of radiation treatments for breast cancer. Clicking on our site right now is the first step in removing your acne scarring and medicate acne zits . This is the first step in loving your skin again, don't wait another second.

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Friday, October 05, 2007

Natural Acne Treatment Cream

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Natural Acne Treatment Cream


A popular television crime drama recently solved a murder with the assistance of a common acne antibiotic. Investigators found the remains of a man in a river bed and were able to pinpoint him in a very surprising manner. When under a fluorescent light, the acne treatment tetracycline had soaked into this persons bones to such an extent, it could still be identified 10 years after the man died.
While this is a television program, the idea should still be quite distressing to individuals who have taken tetracycline to help treat acne breakouts. The fact that tetracycline is absorbed by the bones and shows up while under a fluorescent light is not the figment of some creative mind. When anything is absorbed into bones, it can throw off the delicate balance between elements and could possibly make the difference in strong, healthy bones and ones that are inclined to breaking.

I don't think it is a stretch to say individuals would rather use an all natural acne treatment to manage acne and rosacea conditions rather than a strong antibiotic. Due to the scientific discovery of a biological acne cure, you can now alleviate acne inflammations and control rosacea without staining your bones.

All Natural Skin Care Product

In the past few years, the tendency has been switching from strong pills towards a more mild way of healing breakouts. People are becoming more mindful of the ingredients that go into the lotions they purchase. Why would you buy products anymore that hurt your skin more than they help it? While pharmaceutical companies will defend their own chemical compounds, natural skin care creams and lotions have quietly built their own 4 billion dollar market.

Tetracycline was first found in the mid 1900's and has since then been used to address acne and rosacea. Tetracycline helps inflammatory disorders by killing bacteria and microbes living on the skin. This appears simple enough but there are some rather serious side effects associated with taking this antibiotic.

As with any antibiotic cycle, it is critical that people finish every pill in the bottle. Not taking the last few pills could make the infection almost impossible to treat later on in the future due to decreased sensitivity to treatment. Some other common side effects of tetracycline include nausea, tongue inflammation, hyperpigmentation, sun sensitivity, vomiting, and even anal inflammation. No, I am not joking. I bet most people would rather just stick with acne breakouts than deal with these afflictions.

Natural Acne Remedy

There is a new 100% all natural acne care product that does exactly what strong antibiotic treatments do without all the adverse effects. If you truly care about your skin, you can feel better knowing all natural components are improving your dermal elements. There is no nausea or vomiting associated with topical usage of the biological skin ingredient. Most importantly, it is used by your skin and your skin only. The unique ingredient does not infuse with bones or other body parts. It is so 'natural', it can not even be replicated in the most advanced bio- laboratory.

When the all natural acne remedy fuses with your own skin cells, it will:

* Work in concert with your body to trigger natural remodeling processes. This helps in the natural elimination of scars, skin blemishes, and even age spots by regenerating healthy cells in place of dying cells.

* Help govern acne inflammation by initiating the development of natural antimicrobial peptides in your own skin. Your skin will look clean and fresh since bacteria and microbes are killed on contact. If there are no bacteria and microbes on your skin, there is less chance of healthy cell inflammation and acne development.

* Biological enzymes contained in the natural ingredient can digest pore blockages and ensure the natural flow of sebum and other natural oils to the skin surface. If sebum does not get blocked inside the pores, your chances of acne are much less.

* Fill in sunken acne scars by initiating the production of more collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. The ingredients fuse with your own cells and trigger the influx of more healthy skin building components into a trauma site. Fibroblasts are produced and give the skin a healthier, more vibrant appearance.

You do not need to take antibiotics or other chemical treatments to treat your acne conditions. You can use all natural skincare products and get results without all the dangerous side effects. We invite you to go to our webpage to see how our unique, natural age spots skin care treatment can have you happy with your skin again. While you are on our page, you can see that our all natural rosacea cure can be used to control rosacea and dissolve acne scars marks. Pills are not the most skin friendly way of healing acne. You can use safe, skin rejuvenating ingredients and say goodbye to acne outbreaks forever. Stop staining your bones and treat skin inflammations naturally.

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Acne Vulgaris

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Acne Vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots, or "zits".
Acne develops because of impairments of the functioning of skin glands (dermis and epidermis), notably blocked follicles.

Acne Vulgaris Sufferers experience itching and discomfort due to swelling and bacterial overgrowth inside infected glands and adjacent cells, and try to relieve the swelling by squeezing acne with their fingers rather than clinically with a sharp sterilised needle. Damage to underlying layers of flesh destroys the integrity of the dermis and creates a weak zone to be attacked by bacteria, and an immune response resulting in more acne draining into the surrounding sebaceous glands. Bruising can also scar and deform the fine structures of the dermis so that its function is impaired and can create longer term havens for bacteria.

The fine structure of the dermis is very intricate, with dozens of specialized cells, sweat glands, oil glands, nerves and capillaries. it is subject to malformation, damage, and infection. Some sebaceous glands grow deformed without a drainage channel through the skin. Others swell by up to 20 times their original size. When these are drained, the walls of the enlarged gland are still intact under the skin and free to accumulate sebum and may or may not become infected. Sometimes a pustule forms around a hair strand that has not reached the surface and that has grown more than a centimetre curled inside the sebaceous gland.

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