Wednesday, January 31, 2007


ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Acne - What Is It And What Causes It?
by Jo Wood

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin and is also known as Acne Vulgaris. Often it is caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structure which consists of hair follicles and the associated sebaceous glands). Lesions will appear which are commonly known as pimples, spots or zits. The term acne comes from a corruption of Greek words "acme" meaning skin erruption and "bacne" or " backne" which is often used to indicate the form of acne found on a person's back.

The condition is often found in pubescent people and is especially common in Western societies, most likely due to a high genetic disposition to getting it. It is often considered to be an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone in the body and for many people this tends to diminish over time. So the acne then often disappears or at least decreases, usually when a person reaches their early 20's.

Unfortunately there is no way to predict just how long it will take for the acne to disappear completely. Some individuals may continue to suffer from acne for decades, sometimes in to their 30's or 40's or even beyond. A large percentage of people will be affected by acne at some stage during their life.

There are various types of acne and these are shown below:-

1. Acne Vulgaris - The most commonly experienced forms of acne and will appear around puberty. It is typically to be found on a person's face, shoulders and chest. 2. Acne Rosacea - This is a red rash which is predominantly found on a person's face. 3. Acne Keloidalis Nuchae - Also known as Pseudofolliculitis Nuchae and is a rash caused by shaving. 4. Acne Conglobata - Also known as Hidradenitis Suppurativa - This is chronic abscesses or boils on the sweat glands and hair follicles usually found in the underarms, groin and buttocks as well as under the breasts of women. 5. Acne Cosmetica - This type of acne is caused by cosmetics. 6. Acne Fulminas - Is an extreme form of Acne Conglobata. 7. Acne Medicamentosa - This form of acne is caused when a person is starting or finishing a course of medication. 8. Baby Acne - This is a form of acne that is a rash seen on the cheeks, chin and forehead of an infant. 9. Chloracne - This form of acne rash is caused by the person being exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbons such as dioxins or PCB's.

Hopefully the information provided to you above with regard to acne will help you to understand more clearly what it is and how it is caused.

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Natural Treatments For Acne

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Natural Treatments For Acne
by AJ Stamp

Acne is an affliction that we desperately try to get rid of. It can be a nightmare if it's severe, and lower your confidence and self esteem. While looking for a treatment for your acne, you've probably spent a lot of money on treatments promising you clearer skin within days. Most of these products don't live up to their promises, and then you're left dishing out more money for more useless products.

If you're tired of wasting money on those expensive products, it may be time to try natural treatments for acne.

When it comes to acne, prevention is the best cure, and prevention that is all natural is even healthier for your skin.

Natural treatments for acne can start with your diet. What you put inside your body is just as important as what you put on the outside when it comes to healthy skin. Make sure to drink plenty of water to keep the toxins flushed out of your body. Eating foods with sulphur in them such as onions and garlic can also help to combat your acne breakouts.

Another natural treatment for acne is a homemade facial mask. Mix together one cup of oatmeal, one tablespoon of olive oil, a little sea salt, and about a half cup of milk to form a pasty mask. Steam your face for a couple of minutes with a hot moist towel to open up your pores, and then apply the mask. Leave on approximately 20 minutes, and then rinse with cool water. This should help to clean out your pores and prevent future breakouts.

If you want to try a great tasting facial mask that's good for oily and acne prone skin, try grating one medium apple and mix with five tablespoons of honey. Leave this mixture on for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.

There are many options available to acne sufferers everywhere. The expensive products on the market are not always the best option to clear your skin. Trying a few natural treatments for acne can clear your skin for less money.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Do Adults Really Get Acne?

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
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Do Adults Really Get Acne?
by Louise Forrest

Most people are aware that teenagers are prone to acne. We have heard a great deal about the hormonal changes that contribute to acne in adolescents. Take a look at any given group of youngsters and you can be sure that at least a few, if not all of them, will be suffering from acne of one kind or another.

You probably remember struggling with an acne problem at some time or other during your adolescence. At the time, it probably seemed like the end of the world. But as the years passed, so did the acne and naturally in time, you forgot all about it.

Could that be acne? But you happened to look in the mirror the other day, and what you saw sure gave you a jolt. Welcome to adult acne. If you ever thought you had finished with acne just because you are no longer a teenager, it is time to come back to earth. It is time to realize that adults do suffer from acne, although it is a little different from the acne that troubles teenagers.

Adult acne, the bad news. In a way, adults have a bigger problem with acne because the kind of acne that develops in adulthood, appropriately called adult onset acne, does not require greasy skin to develop. Dry skin will do just fine.

As far as adults are concerned, men are really in a spot (pun intended) if acne develops on the face. If this happens, shaving can be a tricky and painful business as they negotiate their way around their acne to avoid going through it.

Acne in adults is a complex issue. There is another problem with adult acne. Most of the products on the market are intended for the treatment of acne in adolescents. But they contain substances that irritate the skin of adults. Apart from that, acne that develops in adulthood can last for years and may also cause the skin to age faster. Hormones also play a part here, as women have to deal with the hormonal changes accompanying menstruation and pregnancy. These are conditions that sometimes encourage the development of acne.

Adult acne, the trouble spots. Unfortunately, adult acne also tends to make the skin age faster. In addition, if it is not treated promptly, the scars that are caused by adult acne tend to be permanent. The natural response of the body to acne is to focus antioxidants in the affected area. As a result, the skin of adults who have acne is given to wrinkling.

All of a sudden, adult acne is looking like a rather complicated business, would you not say? And you thought you were through with acne years ago. But it is time to take a look at what you can do about it.

Do not lose heart, you can beat your acne. The best thing you can do about your acne as an adult is to ensure that you maintain a good lifestyle and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water and make sure that you get plenty of fresh air. Above all, try not to touch your acne.

Remember that there are a number of products on the market for the treatment of acne. However, many of these products have unpleasant side effects, so you should select your acne treatment carefully. You could perhaps try to tackle your acne the proactive way.

Safe treatments for your acne. Proactive acne treatment relies on natural remedies but not all acne sufferers are convinced of its effectiveness. The proactive approach is about treating acne internally and externally, and you can be sure that it will be completely safe. Proactive products for the treatment of acne have improved in recent years.

One product that has become pretty popular from this perspective is 101E Acne Getaway. This could be just the product for you because it is specially formulated to tackle several skin problems, heal and revive your skin, apart from tackling grease, pimples and blackheads. It will also restore the moisture balance of your skin. You could also consider Oregano Oil RX, which comes in the form of an organic skin care cream, 300% stronger than the conventional oregano oil.

So there you are, even if you have been caught off guard, there is no need to get too upset because there is plenty of help at hand. Your acne need no longer be the nightmare it once was, so do cheer up!

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How To Cope If Your Baby Suffers From Acne

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
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How To Cope If Your Baby Suffers From Acne
by Louise Forrest

It may not be news to you that acne is not merely a problem in teenage, or that it can affect people of any age. But did you know that acne could even affect babies? So no matter how bad your acne problem may be, imagine how much worse it must be for babies who are not even able to make themselves understood.

You would think that nature could be kinder by sparing babies the misery of suffering so much discomfort when they are not even able to communicate. But unfortunately, that is just the way it is. Babies do suffer from acne and there is not much that you or they can do except to put up with it and make them as comfortable as possible.

Why do babies get acne? You may be at your wits end when you are faced with a squalling baby and cannot fathom what could possibly be the problem. But once you face up to the fact that your baby is suffering from acne, you will feel better if you know a little about it.

Baby acne is caused by the transfer of hormones from the mothers body, through the placenta. These hormones have the effect of stimulating the secretion of oil in the babys skin. As a result, your baby may develop acne. Baby acne usually appears at an age when babies are generally cranky and you can be sure that you will be in for more than a few sleepless nights!

What to expect with baby acne. You will find that baby acne generally appears when your baby is about three or four weeks old. It shows up in the form of bumps on the babys cheeks, forehead or chin. Once it has made an appearance, the acne may be visible off and on until the baby is between four and six months old.

Coping with your babys acne. Unfortunately, since this is normal and will simply have to clear up in its own time, there is not very much you can do. The best thing you can do is to keep your skin clean and make sure that he or she is as comfortable as possible. It would help to wash your babys face with water. Using mild soap once daily would also be a good idea.

Watch for milk or saliva dribbling from the babys mouth, which could irritate the skin and should be wiped away. You should also take care to avoid using harsh laundry detergents.

The best thing you can do for yourself while you are coping with your babys acne is to try and relax. If you are really worried, perhaps you could consult a pediatrician. Remind yourself that your babys acne will clear up in time and will be nothing more than a distant memory in a short while.

Baby acne is a passing phase. Instead of fretting, remember that your time with your baby is very precious. It is also a time that will not return so make the most of it while you can. Once your babys acne has cleared up, you will probably wonder why it upset you so much. Circumstances may be a little different the next time your child develops acne. By then, you will have a teenager on your hands and a whole new set of problems, as your child advances towards adulthood.

So do try to take it easy and remember that it is much more important to enjoy the time you spend with your baby. Acne and other problems may come and go but your child is growing and changing every day. It would be a shame for you to let your babys acne to get in the way.

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How To Prevent Acne

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How To Prevent Acne
by Louise Forrest

Has your acne got you in the dumps? If you have an acne problem, it is very likely that you will succumb to depression and let it drag you down. More so, if you realize that there were steps you could have taken to prevent acne from becoming a problem in the first place. You know what they say about prevention.

In other words, if you have a sensible lifestyle and make sure you follow good habits, you may never have a problem with acne to begin with. How nice would that be? Well, even if you have acne, you will probably be happy to take some guidance from pointers to improving your situation.

What you can do about your acne. The answer is really rather simple, although you will probably not be too happy about that, considering the mess you may have got yourself into. Either way, it is time to think of what you can do to rectify the situation.

Following good habits will go a long way to keeping acne at bay. Simple steps such as removing stale makeup can be vital to the health of your skin. This is because stale makeup tends to clog pores and clogged pores set the stage for acne to develop. In case you do have acne, you should be aware that the problem has been caused by both internal and external factors.

Hands off!! Leave your acne alone. There are some other steps you could take to prevent the acne problem from taking hold. One of the most basic facts to remember is that you should never touch your acne. Avoid picking scabs because skin that has been affected by acne is infected. By picking scabs, all you are doing is spreading the infection. This ultimately means that your acne problem will get worse and you will sink further into depression.

Fight acne the natural way. In case you have decided to go in for acne treatment products, remember that you have everything to gain from selecting products that make use of natural ingredients.

What you can do about your acne. Take care of your general health and you can be sure that the health of your skin will improve. Make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water and take in enough fresh air. It would help to spend some time in the sun as well. However, if you are going to be out in the sun for long periods, it would be wise to use a good sun block ointment or cream.

Contaminated linen can aggravate acne. Another important point to remember which could make all the difference to your acne problem is to check out that your bed and bath linen is clean. This is vital as it is in such places that bacteria breed. Whatever else you may be doing to keep your acne in check, you will be fighting a losing battle if you ignore the basic rules of hygiene.

Avoid tanning, it is bad for acne. If you are trying to prevent acne from developing, the last thing you need is to develop a tan. Even if you think it looks good, remember that a tanned skin is more likely to develop acne, so be careful not to be in the sun for too long, or you will have more problems to deal with than just the acne you had in the beginning. Apart from anything else, if that happens, you will probably begin to lose heart, and that would never do, would it?

Check out home remedies for acne. Lastly, before you go shopping for products to treat your acne, it may be better to start closer to home and take a look at your own kitchen first. Simple ingredients such as vegetable peels, tomato juice etc will work wonders for your skin. That way you can use natural products for your acne problem costing nothing and guaranteed to be safe. A far better choice than products that are commercially available, most of which have some side effect or the other.

So now you know that you can do plenty to treat your acne and much more to prevent it from becoming a problem in the first place. If you have been in the dumps, that should lift your spirits!!

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Evening Primrose Oil: Your Health Deserves Some Nature Care!

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Evening Primrose Oil: Your Health Deserves Some Nature Care!
by Bryan Josling

Evening primrose oil is extracted from Oenathera Biennis. Usually, the seeds of these herbs are used for extracting the oil. Gentle climate is the pre requisite condition for the growing of these herbs. In North America, Europe and some parts of Asia, Oenathera Biennis plants are found in a large number. Needless to say, each part of these hubs can be used as food force. Its roots can be eatable through boiling, its seeds can be roasted and sometimes they can be taken as an alternative of coffee.

Evening primrose oil is used excessively in making cosmetics and medicines. The reason is the presence of adequate amount of essential fatty acids or EFAs. Since, human body cannot produce EFAs; hence, it is required to consume it through meals or some other ways. EFA or essential fatty acids, which evening primrose oil contains, assist in managing various body functions. These are like, utilizing insulin, controlling heart function, regulating mood and so on. Containing omega 6 fatty acids along with gramma-linolenic acids is another advantageous attribute of evening primrose oil.

A judicious combination of gramma-linolenic acids or GLA has bedecked evening primrose oil with some herbal healing powers. This combination creates prostaglandins in human body, which manage various functions of our body. Besides, the GLA of evening primrose oils works well in lowering menstrual pains, breast pain and other symptoms of PMS or pre menstrual syndrome.

For alleviating liver as well kidney problem, the seeds of evening primrose oil play an important role. Apart from that, this oil is also used in the treatment of osteoporosis, arthritis, joints paints, swelling and other problems. Moisturizing and softening effect of this oil are used for alleviating acne, sunburn, eczema and other skin problems.

Evening primrose oil does not contain any toxic material. But, sometimes one may face some problems, such as, nausea, headache etc. Usually, such symptoms are considered as minor allergic reactions.

It is always recommended to consult with a doctor before using this oil. There is no bad effect in take of evening primrose oil. The dosage of this oil varies in between1000-2000 mg per day. With this range, a person can get 270-540 mg GPA per day. But a person, undergoing the treatment of epilepsy or taking aspirin should refrain from using evening primrose oil. Availability of evening primrose oil is not a big deal. One can find this oil at any health and food stores in liquid or capsules form.

At last, it can be said that the abundant of advantages have made evening primrose oil an exclusive gift of nature and a must for our well-being.

About the Author
Bryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants. To find Evening primrose oil, body massage oil, organic aromatherapy, essential oil dilution, massage oil blends, pure essential oils, aromatherapy blends visit

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New Organic Skin Care Recipes To Treat Various Ailments Naturally

New Organic Skin Care Recipes To Treat Various Ailments Naturally
By Louise Forrest

Whether it is a tired eyes, wrinkles, insect bites or burns, there are times that things can happen to your skin. With the following organic skin care recipes and tips, you can treat various ailments naturally, leaving behind many of the man made pollutants that are absorbed into our bodies through most over the counter aids.

Insect Bites

Recipe #1: Mix 1 drop of organic almond essential oil and 2 tablespoons baking soda and 4 tablespoons of distilled water to form a paste. Apply to bite and let sit for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and pat dry

Recipe #2: Mix 8 ounces distilled water with 2 tablespoons Epsom Salt. Apply compress made of a wash cloth soaked this mixture.

Oily Skin/ Acne

Recipe #1: Make a mask of 1/4 organic apple (cored but unpeeled), 1 organic egg white, 1/2 organic lemon (peeled and all seeds removed), 30 organic Thompson seedless grapes, 4 tablespoons organic watercress (finely chopped). Blend all ingredients on medium for 3 minutes. Apply to face using cotton balls and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Recipe #2: Mix 1/4 cup organic yogurt (plain) with 1 tablespoon brewer's yeast. The mixture should be runny; if not, add a bit more brewers yeast. Apply to oily zones and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Recipe #3: Mix 1/2 cup organic oat flour, juice from 1/2 organic orange, and 1 teaspoon organic honey. Apply to face and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.


Recipe #1: This remedy should be made in advance and kept for times when it is needed. First you will need to create 4 special oils. You will need organic extra virgin olive oil, three airtight, glass jars and 4 fresh organic herbs: calendula, plantain, red clover, and St. Johns Wort.

Let the herbs wilt for one day, then put each type in its own jar and cover the herbs with olive oil. Close the jars and leave in direct sunlight for two weeks. Strain oil to use. Once your oils are made, you will need 1/4 cup of each of your special oils and 1 cup organic beeswax.

Melt the oils and beeswax in a large, microwave safe bowl, pour into an airtight, glass jar and let cool. If the mixture is too runny after completely cooling, you need to add a bit more beeswax and melt again, if it is too thick, add a bit more oil and melt again. Apply to wounds when needed much like you would with ready made antibacterial ointments.

Recipe #2:Soak the area with Epsom Salt dissolved in warm water. This is easiest done by taking a warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salt in it.


Recipe #1: Soak the area with Epsom Salt dissolved in warm water. This is easiest done by taking a warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salt in it. Because Epsom Salt draws toxins out of the skin and acts as an anti inflammatory, this bath will draw the splinter to the surface.

Recipe #2: Bandage a thin slice of organic potato over the splinter and let stay overnight. Potato draws things out of the skin and the splinter should be to the surface by morning.

Sunburn Relief

Recipe #1: Mix 5 organic cucumbers (pureed) and 2 1/2 cups powdered milk in a bowl. Pour mixture into tepid/warm bath and soak burned areas for 20 minutes. The mixture can be applied directly to the burned skin, if you prefer.

Recipe #2: Soak the burned area with Epsom Salt dissolved in warm water. This is easiest done by taking a tepid/warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salt in it.

Tired Eyes

Grate raw potato and wrap in cheesecloth. Apply to eyelids for 20 minutes, wiping the starchy residue away before applying makeup.


Recipe #1: Cut organic Thompson seedless grapes in half and crush on wrinkles, especially near eyes and mouth. Leave the juice on your face for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water, repeat daily.

Recipe #2: Mash a very ripe organic banana extremely well, apply to entire face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water

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Can Anti Depressants Really Help You?

Can Anti Depressants Really Help You?
by Mark Gardner

There as been much discussion in relation to the many ad campaigns that are being shown for the various anti depressants. There are basically two different points of view when it comes to the use of anti depressants. There happens to be a good number of psychologists who don't believe in the mass production and availability of anti depressants. Others support the use of anti depressants and believe they can have an important role to play in helping people who are battling depression and anxiety deal with their problems. Both views receive varying degrees of support amongst psychiatrists.

Those psychologists who don't support the use of anti depressants are concerned that current advertising for the use of depression medication often implies that the problem originates due to a chemical imbalance within our brains. They also state that these anti depressant advertisers suggest that by using their products, this imbalance can be put right.

The truth of the matter is that a chemical imbalance within the brain is just one possible factor on why an individual could have a problem with depression. There could be many possible causes for the depression which these advertisers fail to mention within their advertisements.

So even though it's not necessarily wrong to state that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, it's actually incorrect to imply that it's the cause of every sufferer's state of depression. There is some concern that these advertisers are simply looking to take advantage of people who are confused and are desperate for help. In actual fact, depression can be caused by any number of psychological problems, biological problems or even social problems within an individual's life.

The situation with advertisers of anti depressants is very similar to those advertisers who sell weight loss products promising phenomenal results to those who have a real problem with obesity. They see the person's ailment as an easy selling point and although there product may be helpful in certain circumstances, the truth is that it won't help everyone.

Anyone who is struggling with depression should see their doctor. Your doctor can help identify what is causing your problem and also what type of depression you are suffering from. He/She can help put you on the medication that is going to be the most helpful to you.

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Mark Gardner is a popular webmaster and publisher of Learn more about anti depression medications and take our self depression test today!

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Cold Sore Natural Remedies

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Cold Sore Natural Remedies by M Allen

You can slow down or eliminate the recurrence of cold sores by learning some cold sore natural remedies.

Cold Sores, are really nothing more than the oral form of herpes. They are blisters that normally show up on the lips and last for 7 or more days. Besides the embarrassment of having that nasty looking red blister on your lip, cold sores can be quite painful as well. Here are some Cold Sore Natural Remedies that can help minimize your suffering.

Lysine.... it's one of the essential amino acids our bodies can't produce on their own. Lysine is used by the human body to make protein. We need protein in order to produce infection fighting anti-bodies, enzymes and body tissues. Lysine has been shown to inhibit the spread of the herpes simplex virus. Good sources of Lysine are red meat, fish, milk, eggs and cheese. Lysine is also available in supplement form. Taking a 1000mg 3 times per day can shorten the duration of cold sores.

Lemon Balm.... has anti-viral properties. Lemon Balm Cream has been shown to shorten the duration of blisters from 10 days to just 5 days. When used on a regular basis, lemon balm can lengthen the time between outbreaks.

Reishi and Astragalus.... Reishi, also called Ganoderma lucidum is a type of mushroom that has a long history of use in traditional Asian medicine to strengthen the immune system. Reishi has the ability to inhibit the spread of the herpes virus. It is available in supplement form. In Asian medicine, reishi is often used in conjunction with a herb called astragalus. Astragalus has been found to improve immune function in people with herpes simplex keratitis.

Resveratrol.... a compound found naturally in red grapes, has been shown to work effectively against the herpes virus. Resveratrol is available in a cream form. When applied topically 2 to 5 times per day, it acts to suppress cold sore development.

Peppermint Oil.... found to penetrate the skin and have a direct virucidal effect againt the herpes simplex virus. Peppermint oil was also found to be active against an acyclovir-resistant strain of the herpes simpex virus. Peppermint Oil is only applied topically, it should never be ingested.

These are just a few Cold Sore Natural Remedies that have been proven in university studies to have shown great promise in the treatment of cold sores. For more information on additional cold sore natural remedies, See Below

More Cold Sore Remedies

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If you have found all the over the counter medicines have not decreased the frequency of your cold sores, here are some cold sore natural remedies that have shown promise in fighting the herpes virus that causes them. If you would like to see more on natural home treatments for cold sores, Look Here

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Best signs to help you recognize Rosacea

by Groshan Fabiola
In the past when studies about Rosacea weren't very efficient all people with a red face were supposed to be alcoholics; this unreal and naïve concept usually succeeded to affect some of the patient's social activities. Nowadays it is well known that people with red chicks, nose and chin suffer from Rosacea.
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Described in medical books as a chronicle disorder of the skin, Rosacea is also called Acne Rosacea and shows symptoms like visible blood vessels on the nose, sun-burn-like redness of face, tickled facial skin and sometimes pimples. Although Rosacea mostly occurs on the face, it can also affect your neck and your upper chest area. Canadians, usually around the age of 30 to 60 are greatly affected by this kind of inflammation of their face skin. The most susceptible to develop this illness are persons who blush easily and the ones that turn red after they eat spicy food or drink alcohol.
Even though most case sceneries are detected in women who are more likely to make Rosacea, it was proven that the worst cases were detected in men.
Prevention of further damage to the facial skin can only be achieved through a long-lasing treatment with natural products, as there is no pharmacological cure for Rosacea. In order to keep your skin in good conditions, you must daily use moisturizers containing Metronidazole which acts as an antibiotic as well as an anti-inflammatory substance.
In the last few years the most popular product anti-Rosacea has been Rosasol that mixes Metronidazole and the SPF-15 sun filter. Because the treatment for Rosacea will need to continue for a longer period of time it is highly recommended to use pills containing tetracycline which also acts as an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory substance. In severe cases of Rosacea a long-term treatment with Accutane will provide an improvement both in the appearance and in the simptomatology of Rosacea. It brings inflammation under control and improves the self-esteem of the patient.
Some cases of Rosacea deal with permanent destruction of the skin and a persisting redness on chicks and chin as well as disrupted blood vessels on the face. One or two sessions of laser and IPL "intense pulsed light" can usually correct the disruptions of the facial vessels. Also damages caused by the sun and facial redness can be cured through 3-6 sessions with IPL, separated by 3-4 weeks. Another benefit of IPL is the fact that persons who used to blush very often begin to notice an improvement.
Although Rosacea was proven not to be hereditary, studies were made according to which it can be inherited. So if you have elder close relatives with redness of the face, pimples and thickened skin you should consider seeing a doctor for being able to get help as soon as possible.
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Monday, January 01, 2007

Detox From The Effects of Alcohol After The Christmas Party

By Sandra Kim Leong

Christmas is just over. You've had a merry time. But you are now suffering from the effects of having one glass of wine too many. A splitting headache and stomach pains are making you sick and miserable.

You long to be up and about. The festive season extends to the New Year. So what remedies are available for a faster recovery?

In all likelihood, you are dehydrated. Alcohol makes you visit the toilet more often. When your organs get deprived of water, they try to take their water supply from elsewhere, including the brain cells. You get a hangover headache when your brain starts to shrink due to water loss.

Hence, the obvious remedy is to load up on liquids. Drink plenty of water in the next few days, so that it also enhances the flushing out of the toxins from your body.

Liquids can be taken in several forms. The first is obviously warm water. Warm water helps to calm your drugged stomach. Cold water just won't do. Add a touch of lemon to help you calm your stomach.

You can also take warm water in a herbal detox tea concoction. A favourite Ayurvedic herbal recipe for this: boil some cumin, coriander and fennel in boiling water and then drink. This recipe helps to soothe your gastric pains and to aid in digestion. Also a good suggestion is to try mint tea to settle your upset stomach.

Instead of eating more food, try juices. Freshly squeezed juices help to ensure that you are still packed with vitamins. Vegetable juices are excellent as an aid in calming your stomach.

Get sufficient rest and sleep while your body enzymes process the alcohol in your system. Alcohol does make you feel sleepy so it is important to obey your body's call for rest.

In the meantime, you should abstain from consuming more alcoholic drinks until your body recovers. You've just had a hangover after Christmas. It would be wise to cut down on your drinks during the New Year's party. Not unless you want to end up feeling blue as what you are experiencing now.

Need to find out more about Detox Diets? Learn the benefits to having a diet that helps you remove toxins, lose weight, get constipation relief, alleviate your skin problems here. For free resources on detox diet plan, menus and juice fasting, please visit

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Lessons From Janet Jackson's Weight Loss and Diet

By Roy Thomsitt

The recent publicity over Janet Jackson's weight gain, and subsequent weight loss campaign, also aroused a lot of public opinion and comment. Not surprisingly, given the superstar status of the singer, for me the star of the Jackson family, and the size of the weight reduction she supposedly achieved over a 4 month period.

Janet Jackson is reputedly a yo-yo dieter, someone who has phases of dieting followed by putting all the weight back on. That can never be good for long term health for anyone, and that surely goes for Janet Jackson too. But, she was overweight by the accepted measures that are used by the medical profession today, and she knew it. So she set out on a weight loss campaign, as millions of people around the world do, every year. Only in her case, and on this occasion, she was successful in losing weight.

Cause of Janet Jackon's Weight Gain

Many have speculated how and why Ms Jackson got so heavy in the first place; depression, stress and all the usual reasons have been suggested by various commentators. Some excused that it was her stressful superstar existence that caused the recent problem, and the eating disorders that have been reported on in the past. Maybe, maybe not; that's her business really. Stars in the public limelight do have stresses that may be different to other people's stresses. But there are millions of people not in the limelight who are overweight and may be tempted to blame stress.

Of course, it could be that Janet Jackson just felt like letting herself go for while, and let the weight drift upwards, without feeling any real incentive to keep it under a tight rein. Then one day felt the effects of being too heavy and thought: "That's it, I'm going to lose weight."

Unless Janet Jackson has a medical problem, then being overweight was simply caused by consuming too many calories compared to the energy she was expending each day. That is the case with almost all overweight and obese people. So, once that decision was made to get back to what she thought was her best weight, she had to set about reversing that situation. In other words, strike a better balance between exercise and food consumption.

If the figures that we read at the time were true, Ms Jackson lost weight at a rate well above the "safe" rate suggested by most doctors. She was losing nearly 4 pound a week over the period of 4 months, about double the recommended weight loss rate. But how was she able to do it?

How Janet Jackson Lost Weight

If reports are to be believed, Janet Jackson just did what all the books and experts tell overweight people to do. On the one hand, she had a controlled diet; on the other hand, she had a systematic exercise programme. Now, any of us can do that, but most of us do not. We spend billions of dollars a year on special diets and weight loss plans, and just keep getting heavier. We know what to do, but just don't do it.

In Ms Jackson's case, she did it. To simplify things, she had the motivation to lose weight, despite the effort and self control that was required. If anyone has the motivation, they too can lose weight. There is enough free information to enable anyone to get those pounds off, and to bring their BMI down to a healthy level.

When Janet Jackson's weight loss success was reported, many people dismissed it, saying "oh, it's alright for her, she can afford a personal fitness trainer and personal chef." That, though, is not the point. She could have done the same without the personal chef or trainer; she just happened to take advantage of her wealth to outsource two important features of her weight loss campaign. Surely she would have been too busy to count out her calories every day? Most of us are not, although we may claim to be. And we can all exercise and go to the gym, or just exercise at home, or walk the streets, beaches or fields to burn off those calories.

The simple fact is, Janet Jackson was inspired, for whatever reason, to lose weight, so she did what was necessary. Some say it was to get to looking slim and sexy for a new album, but that does not matter. What does matter is that she found the motivation to reduce her weight, and took seriously to the task with a high level of endurance.

I suspect that for millions of people, motivation is the missing link. Find that inspiration, that motivating factor, and you could be shedding the pounds at a healthy rate suggested by your doctor.

This diet article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner and part author of the Routes To Self Improvement website, where you can find many articles on weight loss, plus Motivation and other personal development topics.

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Healthy Diets – Lose Weight, Live Longer and Avoid Disease

By Sacha Tarkovsky

The diet enclosed is balanced it will help you lose weight give you more energy and is proven to help you live longer and protect you against disease and it provides a huge amount of foods you can eat so you will never be bored.

What is this healthy diet? Read on and find out.

It’s the Mediterranean diet.

It is in the news again as its proven to help protect against disease and help you live longer ( due to one super oil we will discuss later ) first consider the following:

In contrast to Northern Europe and North America

1. People live longer in countries such as Spain Greece and Italy.

2. People have far less risk of getting cancer such as colon breast and ovarian.

3. Obesity rates are significantly less.

The super food that has put it back in the news is:

Olive oil. Just taking a small amount of oil per day in clinical tests showed that it protects against cell damage and after just two weeks people who did not have olive oil in their diet saw a large drop in free radical damage.

Olive oil is a major part of the Mediterranean diet, but is only part of why the diet is so healthy.

Oily Fish

Another major part of the diet is oily fish such as mackerel, sardines and salmon.

Oily fish are a source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fats and the complex long chain derivatives of these fats are good for heart health due to the fish’s anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory properties, which aids circulation.

The major components of the diet are:

• Consumption of olive oil daily

• High consumption of fruits, vegetables, breads, cereals (such as pasta, beans, nuts and seeds).

• Moderate to high consumption of fish and poultry.

• Moderate consumption of wine.

• Low consumption of eggs and red meat.

The Mediterranean Diet seems unusual as fat is given such weight in the diet.

It actively encourages people to eat more mono-saturated fats to become healthier.

It works on the notion monounsaturated fats (such as olive oil) which balances animal fat.

Monounsaturated fats are ‘good’ fats which are required for the body to function at its best.

Advocates of the Mediterranean diet also stress that red wine, should be consumed frequently as it is a significant factor in reducing heart disease.

Red wine is renowned for the antioxidants contained such as bioflavonoid, which helps to eliminate bad toxins in the body.

It works!

Medical research shows how healthy it is, so consider this:

If you are a dieter you can eat a huge amount of food, never be bored and drink wine as well! Anyone who wants to live longer, protect themselves against disease and be healthier and slim should consider it.


On all aspects of health and more on heathy diets visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at

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